Open Call aimed at the realization of RESIDENCES AND LABORATORIES OF CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE / THE FABULOUS JOURNEY IN THE STONE OF AURISINA as part of the 9th Edition of the Review “l’Energia dei Luoghi | Festival del vento e della pietra” – in Duino-Aurisina (Trieste – Italy) from August 30 to September 8, 2023.


The CASA C.A.V.E. Association is pleased to organize in 2023 the 9th edition of the Review “l’Energia dei Luoghi | Festival del vento e della pietra”, a festival featuring Contemporary Art Exhibitions, Land Art Exhibition Events, Photography Residencies and Sculpture Workshops with cross-border collaborations, enriched by Creative Itineraries, Performances, Projections, Workshops, lectio magistralis by prestigious international contemporary art exponents, scientists and popularizers.

A section of the Festival is dedicated to Aurisina stone, a true identity symbol of the municipality of Duino Aurisina, in the province of Trieste, whose Roman quarries are still in operation today.

The CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURE RESIDENCIES AND WORKSHOPS / THE FABULOUS JOURNEY IN THE STONE OF AURISINA project includes a TEN-DAY residence at two local marble companies with the presence of four young artists/students of contemporary sculpture, from Italy, Slovenia and Austria.

The project boasts the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the patronage of the Municipality of Duino Aurisina, and the collaboration with the Šolski Center Srečo Kosovela in Sežana / Higher School of Sculpture (Slovenia), the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, Studio “Carrer” in Pietrasanta (Lucca), and some important marble companies in the area (GRAMAR MARMI Srl, CAHARIJA S. N.C. DI TOMAZ CAHARIJA & C and ZENIT C SPA) and is supported since 2021, in particular, by the Pietro Pittini Foundation.

Call 2023 stems from the desire to give continuity to the collaborations of the previous Aurisina stone workshops, which contributed to the creation of KAMEN, the first ECO MUSEUM OF THE CAVES AND STONE OF AURISINA / MUZEJ NABREŽINSKEGA KAMNA IN KAMNOLOMOV, included in the cross-border Karst Geopark.

The young sculptors/students will be mentored by master sculptors Alberto Fiorin and Edi Carrer, while the curatorship of the project is entrusted to Eva Comuzzi, a contemporary art critic.

The works will be exhibited for a period at the host marble companies and then will enrich the SMALL SCULPTURE PARK of Portopiccolo – Sistiana (Trieste), one of the stages of the ECO MUSEUM OF QUARRIES AND STONE OF AURISINA / MUZEJ NABREŽINSKEGA KAMNA IN KAMNOLOMOV, where the works created in previous editions of the Festival are already exhibited.

In this edition the young sculptors / students will work on the waste of stone processing and will draw inspiration for the realization of their work in Aurisina stone from the poem “I cavatori di Aurisina” by Igo Gruden (1893 -1948), an important reference author of the bilingual territory of Duino Aurisina and Slovenia. The poet wonders about the fate of the poor people who worked, in the last century, in the Roman quarries of Aurisina and invites them, with powerful and courtly language, to find the energy to face the harshness of life and the cruelties of history, in the universal desire for independence, brotherhood and respect for their origins. As is well evoked in this last paragraph of the poem:

O kamnolomci iz Nabrežine,
v zemljo domačo trdno korenine
naj se zarasejo vaših moči,
globlje in globlje naj misel vam rije:
ko iz te zemlje se dvignete močni,
zdravi in sočni
nad domačijo,izvén domačije-
narodom tujim ne suženj več, brat
vsak od vas vtisne naj lastni pečat
v smeli razvoj zgodovine,
o kamnolomci iz Nabrežine.

O quarrymen of Aurisina,
in the native land grow firm
the roots of your strength,
Dig deeper and deeper into your thought:
when ye shall rise strong from this earth,
robust and vigorous,
at home and outside-
never servant of foreign peoples, but brother
Each of you imprints his imprint
on the bold progress of history,
or quarrymen of Aurisina.


Students and young artists of Italian, Slovenian and Austrian nationality


The application must contain the following documents, under penalty of exclusion, and must be written in Italian or English

– Copy of front/back ID card;

– Artist curriculum vitae and artist portfolio, if the attachment exceeds 5 MB it is required to be sent via a data transfer link such as wetransfer;

– motivation letter briefly stating why you are participating in relation to your artistic activity (max 2000 characters);


Applications will be viewed and selected by the two master sculptors Edi Carrer and Alberto Fiorin, Prof. Matej Perčič and art curator Eva Comuzzi.


Reimbursement of travel, board and lodging expenses for 10 days in the municipality of Duino Aurisina from August 30 to September 8, 2023 will be provided. On Saturdays and Sundays, the marble companies will be closed, so the organization will conduct short guided tours of some of the area’s emblematic spaces in order to provide the artists with a broader historical and cultural landscape overview.

Attendance is required on the final day of the exhibition of works in Portopiccolo set for October 28, 2023.

Artists/students will work on stone processing scraps provided by the company ZENIT C Spa (sample photos of which are provided)

A sketch of the intended project will be requested. The works should not exceed the dimensions of cm50x50x70.

It is advisable to bring your own equipment, where available.

The works created will remain the property of the Casa C.A.V.E. Association, which will undertake to enhance them, together with the Municipality of Duino Aurisina and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, allowing them to be enjoyed by the public.

The proposal must be submitted no later than 12 noon (Italian time) on May 31, 2023 by sending it to the e-mail with the subject line “participation CALL RESIDENCIES 2023 – NAME, LAST NAME.”

Selected artists will be notified within 30 days, unless extended, from the closing date of the call.

For information about this CALL, send an email to, or call +39 3395081138.

Duino Aurisina, 20th April 2023